Discipleship Guide – Epiphany Sunday
“New Beginnings” Isaiah 43:5
Isaiah 43:5 says, "Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west".
This time of year, New Year, Epiphany, the revelation of Christ to the Magi, the revealing of something into our lives, is a great way to shine a light on a new beginning or a re-start for something. I don’t know what this season of life or this day holds for you but what I cling onto is this verse again. Isaiah 43:5 says, "Do not be afraid, for I am with you.”
1. How does the Magi's story relate to our own search for meaning and truth?
2. How can we experience an "epiphany" in our own lives?
3. Share an experience from your past when faith in God was hard for you, one that you were able to overcome and push through.
4. How can we apply the message of the Epiphany to our lives today?
5. How is the Christian life exemplified in the magi?
6. How might you better live as a Christian this coming year? How can this group help?