Discipleship Guide James—Week 6
Pastor Nancy is reminding us through the lens of James that the ways of the world are death; pride and envy being directly addressed. After being called earlier in the Book of James to take an inward look we are now summoned to know that we are called into the world with humility. James has several discourses throughout the Book on faith, the use of the tongue, pride, and envy.
Key as well, Pastor Nancy reminds us, James reminds us that conversion is a continuing process and an essential element in spiritual transformation. Christian discipleship was vital for the early church just as much as it is vital for those claiming the title Christian in the 21st century!
The wisdom of St. Augustine finds affirmation in chapter 4: “Just as pride was the beginning of sin so too is humility the beginning of Christian discipline.” And, as Pastor Nancy unpacks faith does come at a cost. There is no around the call of the believer to learn to hate pride and clothe themselves with humility—not the way of the world to the way that leads to life!
Reflection Questions:
1. James is rich with Old Testament wisdom that highlights the Christian Ethics that has guided the Christian faith for millennia. One example, God hates “haughty eyes” (Proverbs 6:17) and detests those who have a proud heart. Pride causes quarrels (Proverbs 16:18). Since God resists the proud, the believer must learn to hate pride and to clothe themselves with humility. In your faith journey, how do you resist having a ‘proud heart’? Have you experienced ‘quarrels’ caused by pride?
2. Where do battles and strife come from in Christian community? Often battles that occur between Christians are bitter and severe. Would a deep listening of James challenge some of those community battles and strife?
3. Does Wesley’s “going onto perfection” language encourage you where you are in your faith journey?
4. The strong statements James makes reminds us that all was not beautiful in the early church. They had plenty of carnality and worldliness to deal with. While the New Testament church is a clear pattern for us, we should not over-romanticize the spiritual character of early Christians. Does it surprise you that friendship with the world was as much a profound temptation for the early church as it is for us now?