African American Spirituals as the Heartbeat of Faith
“Wade in the Water”
Rev. Dr. Erin Beasley
This week focuses on the spiritual "Wade in the Water," which calls believers to
step into the unknown, trusting God’s guidance and provision. The Red Sea
crossing and the healing at Bethesda both highlight how obedience and faith lead
to transformation and freedom.
What does water symbolize in both the story of the Israelites crossing the
Red Sea (Exodus 14:21-31) and the healing at the pool (John 5:1-9)?
How do these stories connect to the message of "Wade in the Water"?
Have you ever experienced a time when you felt "stuck," like the Israelites
before the Red Sea or the man at the pool? What fears or doubts held you
back from stepping forward in faith?
Harriet Tubman spoke about how some enslaved people refused to leave
because they couldn’t envision freedom. In what ways do we sometimes
resist stepping into the freedom God offers, even when we know change is
The spiritual "Wade in the Water" carries both a call to trust in God's
guidance and a call to action. How do you balance waiting on God with
taking steps of faith in your own life?
What “waters” might God be calling you to wade into today—whether in
your spiritual life, relationships, or sense of purpose? How can we encourage
one another to move forward in faith despite uncertainty?